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Rockstar is a computer programming language designed for creating programs that are also hair metal power ballads.
Rockstar is intended to give the programmer an unprecedented degree of poetic license when it comes to the composition and structure of their programs.
Sonic Pi is a code-based music creation and performance tool.
Simple enough for computing and music lessons.
Powerful enough for professional musicians.
Free to download with a friendly tutorial.
Diverse community of over 1.5 million live coders.
Learn to code creatively by composing or performing music in an incredible range of styles from Classical & Jazz to Grime & EDM.
Brought to you by Sam Aaron and the Sonic Pi Core Team
Piet est un langage de programmation exotique créé par David Morgan-Mar, dont les programmes sont des images matricielles inspirées des travaux du peintre néerlandais Piet Mondrian
Software and technology has changed every aspect of the world we live in. At one extreme are the ‘mission critical’ applications - the code that runs our banks, our hospitals, our airports and phone networks. Then there’s the code we all use every day to browse the web, watch movies, create spreadsheets… not quite so critical, but still code that solves problems and delivers services.
But what about the code that only exists because somebody wanted to write it? Code created just to make people smile, laugh, maybe even dance? Maybe even code that does nothing at all, created just to see if it was possible?
Join Dylan Beattie - programmer, musician, and creator of the Rockstar programming language - for an entertaining look at the art of code. We’ll look at the origins of programming as an art form, from Conway's Game of Life to the 1970s demoscene and the earliest Obfuscated C competitions. We’ll talk about esoteric languages and quines - how DO you create a program that prints its own source code? We’ll look at quine relays, code golf and generative art, and we’ll explore the phenomenon of live coding as performance - from the pioneers of electronic music to modern algoraves and live coding platforms like Sonic Pi.
Les caractères qui peuvent faire peter le programme
This repo is a collection of assignments and mini-programs/projects for beginners trying to learn C.
En résumé, les quatre modifications à apporter pour rendre un script Python plus durable sont :
- ajouter de la documentation en haut du script,
- utiliser le module argparse pour documenter les différents paramètres,
- utiliser le module logging pour enregistrer les détails sur l’exécution,
- ajouter quelques tests unitaires.
HTML5 UP makes spiffy HTML5 site templates that are:
Fully Responsive
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100% Free under the Creative Commons
The purpose of this online test is to help you evaluate your WPF knowledge yourself. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on WPF will prepare you for technical round of job interview, written test and many certification exams.
The test contains 45 questions and there is no time limit. You will get 1 point for each correct answer. You will get your online test score after finishing the complete test.
The basic MVCVM guidelines we follow are:
- Views display a certain shape of data. They have no idea where the data comes from.
- ViewModels hold a certain shape of data and commands, they do not know where the data, or code, comes from or how it is displayed.
- Models hold the actual data (various context, store or other methods)
- Controllers listen for, and publish, events. Controllers provide the logic that controls what data is seen and where. Controllers provide the command code to the ViewModel so that the ViewModel is actually reusable.
présente une méthodologie, appelée MVVM pour Modèle-Vue-VueModèle.
WPF stands for Windows Presentation Foundation. It is a powerful framework for building Windows applications. This tutorial explains the features that you need to understand to build WPF applications and how it brings a fundamental change in Windows applications.
Ceci est la traduction la plus fidèle possible de la série A guided tour of WPF de Josh Smith.
- 1re partie (XAML)
- 2e partie (Disposition)
- 3e partie (Liaison de données)
- 4e partie (Modèles de données et déclencheurs)
- 5e partie (Styles)
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I'm so happy to share with you some simple tools and practices which helped me become a developer.
📣 Asking for help the proper way
👻 Ghost-programming
👨💻👩💻 Pair-programming
👀 Reading the doc
✅ Test driven development
From : https://news.humancoders.com/t/bonnes-pratiques/items/16949
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