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How to Speak Up Against Fatphobia is a pay-what-you-can digital resource zine that includes tips for navigating social media, as well as tips for talking to your medical care team or loved ones. Additionally, resources and further reading are included to give readers more tools to advocate for themselves and others. This digital zine was created by Samantha Puc and artist Jey Barnes.
A tool that lets you generate custom character illustrations in Sketch, Figma and Illustration
MainType is a powerful but easy to use font manager and font viewer for Windows, that takes the frustration out of managing your fonts. It is packed with tons of intuitive features that makes it simple to find, preview, organize, install, and print your fonts.
Transformez votre écriture ou votre calligraphie en police !
Créer votre propre police n’a jamais été aussi facile.
Avec votre propre police, vous pouvez créer des dessins personnels et des œuvres calligraphiques.