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Being able to identify typefaces on command is one of the best perks of being a designer that also doubles as a neat party trick. Typewar is a fast-paced game that tasks you with identifying common typefaces based on a single sample letterform. It sounds easy, but you’ll quickly see how easy a typographic curveball can be thrown your way.
Whether its Helvetica versus Univers, or Garamond versus Didot, Typewar’s typographic calisthenics will keep you on your toes and help you recognize the discreet, individual traits of different typeface’s letterforms. You’ll see how small changes can change the entire personality of a design, and you’ll bring your typographic appreciation to the next level. Plus, with Typewar you’ll see statistics on how you stack up compared to other players, so you’ll be able to leverage some competitive spirit in buffing up your design process.